The Bogus Beliefs of Religion Majors
What has become of my community that I currently exist in? Why is it that I have more faith in the future of some of the students who are seeking things other than ministry, and that I have been dissapointed in the beliefs and actions of the some in seeking to be in the ministry? I do see that we are imperfect. But are we not held responsible for the actions and words we say? Our actions affect people. Some of us religion majors have neglected that fact. We see ourselves on a pedistal that brings us closer to the sun, yet we do not stop to think that this closeness can burn us. If I say to a brother, F*** You, what is it to me? It is probably nothing. I probably meant nothing by it if I said it to a friend. What if I flipped someone off that I knew, meaning to say hey and bring a laugh at my course joking? Am I justified by what I meant to say? I answer this by giving a history lesson on the criminal mastermind, Adolph Hitler.
Hitler believed in the Aryan race of blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone knows that because he too drastic measure to kill the Jews. Hitler believed in something else that not many people hear of, and that is reincarnation. If you combine the two beliefs and the Holocaust, you have a man who had good intentions to the uttermost. Our intentions have become powerless in this argument for freedom. We follow the Spirits guiding, and nothing else. Every good decision we make can be credited to the Spirit, since it shows us and we choose to follow. Also, if we degrade people in the way I meant, then we degrade Jesus. God will say this to all when we approach His judgement, "What ever you have done the lowest in the world, you also did to me." These words should draw us to act in ways not only lifting in Jesus eyes and to act as if we were lifting Jesus. For in all lies Christ image. God loves them and, as any lover feels about their beloved, we are in danger if we degrade the life of any man.
I am also guilty of things similar to this. To all those that this blog applies to, you are not alone. I have even ignored and spited some in the past. I am guilty just as you are. However, I am striving everyday to remember that in every man I meet, I should meet them with love. This is my prayer for ministers here, that we will wake up, for our revival will not be in the sweeping growth of the church, but the surge of action by those who were dead in their faith and have decided to act as if they believe in him, that is revival.
Hitler believed in the Aryan race of blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone knows that because he too drastic measure to kill the Jews. Hitler believed in something else that not many people hear of, and that is reincarnation. If you combine the two beliefs and the Holocaust, you have a man who had good intentions to the uttermost. Our intentions have become powerless in this argument for freedom. We follow the Spirits guiding, and nothing else. Every good decision we make can be credited to the Spirit, since it shows us and we choose to follow. Also, if we degrade people in the way I meant, then we degrade Jesus. God will say this to all when we approach His judgement, "What ever you have done the lowest in the world, you also did to me." These words should draw us to act in ways not only lifting in Jesus eyes and to act as if we were lifting Jesus. For in all lies Christ image. God loves them and, as any lover feels about their beloved, we are in danger if we degrade the life of any man.
I am also guilty of things similar to this. To all those that this blog applies to, you are not alone. I have even ignored and spited some in the past. I am guilty just as you are. However, I am striving everyday to remember that in every man I meet, I should meet them with love. This is my prayer for ministers here, that we will wake up, for our revival will not be in the sweeping growth of the church, but the surge of action by those who were dead in their faith and have decided to act as if they believe in him, that is revival.
Hey Russell!
Have a good day!
Kelly, At
3/14/2005 03:39:00 PM
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